Controlling Desktop with Android

One more very cool program for Android in terms of controlling a computer other than a few programs that I have mentioned in my postingn ago. I think the program is great because its a lot, license free, and easy to use.

Radio transmitters via Android

Here, I will share knowledge about one of the functions of the program on your android device, namely the FM Transmitter. Maybe, so the question now is what is the FM Transmitter it?

Control Android with Voice Commands

There are times when we want the other kinds in communicating or interacting with a device. or that's the way it meant.Ya execute commands or commands or clicking your android device with sound.

Welcome to AndroOne

Everything about Android is here...

Trick For Android User

The number of Android users are constantly booming causing this polatform more lovable.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Malware can attack any kind of devices including smartphones Adroid yours, unfortunately Malware attacks are rare in the Android t know when that is in the Android Malware is very dangerous because it can steal confidential data to use your Internet quota.

Well here are some signs that indicate if you belong android Smartphone Malware exposed. Want to know aoa wrote it see below.

1. Battery life decreases

If suddenly decreased battery life without you because then you have to mecurigainya could have already entered your android smartphone malware which drain your battery power to operate.

2. Dropped calls and nuisance calls

Malware can eavesdrop on conversations made ​​with Android devices. When this is the case, can appear side effects such as nuisance calls or dropped call.

3. Bloated phone bills

If you phone tagian suddenly become much enlarged and do not make use of your phone for things that used to be spending a lot of money this is the act of malware that attempt to steal your credit.

4. Data consumption rose suddenly

This one can also be caused by malware, similar to the above peculiarities phone bill. Upload or download pattern changes could be a sign that someone or something is utilizing the Internet connection on an Android device.

5. Performance decreases

Usually the infected android malwar performance would decline it because the malware was continually running so that deplete the ram memory and consuming high processor load.

Well that's a sign if you are infected with malware android phones.

source :

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

According to Wikipedia GPS is a Global Positioning System is a space-based satellite navigation system that provides location and time information in all weather, anywhere on or near the Earth, where there is an unobstructed line of sight to four or more GPS satellites.atau if translated Java Language to Global Positioning System (GPS) is a space-based satellite navigation system that provides location and time information in all weather, anywhere on or near the Earth, where there is an unobstructed line of sight to four or more GPS satellites. Still do not understand ta .....? Gini wrote wis GPS is a system that allows to know where our location via satellite. Still do not understand well ...? Aja read on .....

SmartPhone latest release is usually already equipped with the GPS feature. Now GPS is usually used as a signpost to look for a place, for example if we want to go somewhere outside the city that we do not recognize the streets. There buanyak this GPS-based app which is divided into two:
1. Online (internet needed)
    Appropriate category then this app requires internet connection in order to run properly. The advantage is small installasinya file does not take up much space so our memory ... cuman 5Mb doang average. The disadvantage is that we have to spend money for the internet connection. application examples are: Google maps, Google Earth, Yahoo Maps, GPS and other Essential another.
2. Offline
    Fit the criteria then this application do not need to connect internet.contoh applications are: Ndrive, Papago, Navitel, Sygic and so on.

I have suggested here is Navitel for Android.Kenapa Navitel because its many programs, the map is more complete and better accuracy rate than other programs I've installed on my phone ... he he he.
First we need to download the following file:
1. Installation file Navitel.apk approximately 25 Mb
2. Indonesia map latest version approximately 50 Mb
3. Voice Indonesian approximately 1Mb
after all we can in our download menggunakannya.Install navitel.apk then extract it to a folder maps Navitel content / maps then extract the voice files to Navitel content / voice.selesai deh.

It is less obvious things that can be asked via comment.Okay .....

This information is intended for experienced users. Not intended for basic users, hackers, or stealing mobile phones. Please do not try any of the following methods if you are not familiar with mobile phone secret codes. Amateurs will not be responsible for the use or misuse of this information, including data loss or hardware damage. Thus, the risk is yours alone.

Android Secret Code Here is the hidden secret codes which can be used in Google's Android mobile OS (android cell phone with android operating system), access to the things that are not accessible by default.

the following code:

Information on cell phones and batteries
* # * # 4636 # * # *

This suggests the following four menus on the screen:
* Phone Information
* Battery Information
* History of Batteries
* Statistics

Reset data such as origin
* # * # 7780 # * # *

This will remove the following:
* Google account settings stored in your phone
* System and application data and settings
* Application Download
and will NOT remove:
* System software and bundled applications at this time
* SD card files such as photos, music files, etc.

Note: Once you give this code, you get a prompt on the screen asking you to click on the button "Reset Phone". So you get a chance to cancel your operation.

Format of the original manufacturer
* 2767 * 3855 #

Think before you give this code. This will remove all files and settings including the internal memory storage. It will also reinstall the phone firmware.

Note: Once you give this code, there is no way to cancel the operation unless you remove the battery from the phone. So think twice before giving this code.

Information about camera phones
* # * # 34971539 # * # *

This code indicates the following four menus:
* Update the firmware of the camera in image (Do not try this option)
* Update camera firmware in SD card
* Get camera firmware version
* Get firmware update count

WARNING: Do not use the first option is declared, the camera phone will stop working and you will need to take your phone to a service / shop to reinstall camera firmware.

This code can be used to change the "End Call / Power"
* # * # 7594 # * # *

This code can be used to change the "End Call / Power" action on your mobile phone keypad. So the default, if you press the button for a few moments, it will display a screen asking you to select an option from Silent mode, Airplane mode and Power off the phone.
You can change the action using this code. You can activate this power directly from the button so you do not have to waste your time in selecting the option.

Open the file copy screen where
* # * # 255 * 273 283 * 663 282 * # * # *

Service log mode
* # * # 197328640 # * # *

You can run various tests and change settings in the service mode.

Test Code: WLAN, GPS and Bluetooth
* # * # 232 339 # * # * - WLAN test
* # * # 526 # * # * - WLAN test
* # * # 528 # * # * - WLAN test (Use "Menu" to launch a variety of test)
* # * # 232 338 # * # * - Displays the MAC address of WiFi
* # * # 1472365 # * # * - GPS test
* # * # 1575 # * # * - Another GPS test.
* # * # 232 331 # * # * - Bluetooth test
* # * # 232337 # * # - Displays the Bluetooth address

Launch GTalk Service Monitor
* # * # 8255 # * # *

Code to get the firmware version information:
* # * # 4986 * 2650468 # * # * - PDA, Phone, H / W, RFCallDate
* # * # 1234 # * # * - PDA and Phone
* # * # 1111 # * # * - FTA SW Version
* # * # 2222 # * # * - FTA HW Version
* # * # 44336 # * # * - PDA, Phone, CSC, Build Time, numbered list of changes.

Codes to launch various Factory Tests:
* # * # 0283 # * # * - Loopback packet
* # * # 0 * # * # * - LCD test
* # * # 0673 # * # * or * # * # 0289 # * # * - Melody test
* # * # 0842 # * # * - Device test (Vibration, and Backlight test)
* # * # 2663 # * # * - Touch screen version
* # * # 2664 # * # * - Touch screen test
* # * # 0588 # * # * - Proximity sensor test
* # * # 3264 # * # * - RAM version

Taken from Android Indonesia

Yes ........... ANDROID now weve booming and exploding in pasaran.Android????? But, have you ever thought of a moment in your mind about what the heck is it and how does Android Android's.

OKAY deh dsini I tried to explain concisely summarize:
Android is an operating system for mobile phones based on Linux.Android provide an open platform (open source) to developers for creating their own applications for use by a variety of mobile devices. Initially, Google Inc.. bought Android Inc.., newcomers who make software for mobile phones. Then to develop Android, formed the Open Handset Alliance, a collaboration of 34 companies for hardware, software, and telecommunications, including Google, HTC, Intel, Motorola, Qualcomm, T-Mobile, and Nvidia.
Android was released early on November 5 2007.Di this world there are two types of distributors operating system Android. The first fully supported by Google or Google Mail Services (GMS) and the second is completely free distribution without direct support Google's otherwise known as the Open Handset Distribution (OHD).

In July 2000, Google works with Android Inc., A company located in Palo Alto, California United Serikat.Telepon first to use the Android operating system was the HTC Dream, which was released on October 22, 2008, unique or update any latest relase always be named as name of the food hindangan 1.5 (Cupcake), 1.6 (Donut), 2.1 (Eclair), 2.2 (Froyo), 2.3 (Gingerbread), 3.0/3.3 (Honeycomb), 4.0 (IceCream Sandwich), 4.1 (Jelly Bean),  and last till the time of this writing was written 4.2 (Jelly Bean)

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The number of Android users are constantly booming causing this polatform more lovable. In fact, according to Google, every second there's a hundred-enabled Android phone or Android approaching one million active every day, WOW fantastic is not it? Well, a lot of users, it does not mean they understand 'how makenya', even many of the candidates for Android users who are confused about diapain Android. That's why this time we will share tips and tricks about Android for you.

Android smartphone to be one of today's popular smartphone, whether you own Android smartphone only has a small memory, slow and wasteful batteries? Follow these few simple tips:

1. Turn off WIFI, Bluetooth, and Data
Please use WIFI and Bluetooth only when you need just because these two features can drain your battery. And also make sure that if you are not using the internet turn off data, this method could save the battery last longer. To memayikan and third turn this feature you can look in Settings -> Wireless & Networks.

2. Turn off Auto Sync (synchronization)
For some Low End Android Smartphone for synchronizing the handset sometimes become unresponsive and if this happens turn off the sync feature. Go to Settings -> Accounts and Sync, turn off Background data and Auto-sync. To sinkronisi you can do it manually.

3. Reduce the brightness of your Android screen, the darker it will be more efficient battery and also use a dark wallpaper. How to reduce the brightness go to Settings-> Display-> Brightness.

4. Reboot your Android smatphone
If you feel that Android smartphones are unresponsive and slow to try to reboot your android smartphone that is nothing short of memory.

5. Try to save apps to the SD card so the internal memory of your Android smartphone permanent relief

Hopefully the above tips can be useful for the first time using Android Smartphone and optimize Android smartphones that you have right now.

Since its launch until now, Android has reached its fourth version, Ice Cream Sandwich. In fact it appears the discourse that Android will soon launch the 5th version codenamed Jelly Bean. The development of the Android operating system can be said to be very fast. Android OS users are increasing in number all over the world. The world of technology is currently being enlivened with phones that Android operating mengusungsistem. But what if the Android smartphone is still using the old version of Android? In fact, today there are newer versions of Android. Then can we upgrade Android phone to a newer AndroidOS?

Emm,, the answer could be yes to no. It depends on the specifics of the Android phone itself. This can be done if the associated phone vendors already provide features or applications for the Android OS upgrade. In this paper we take an example of how to upgrade android on a phone that can be upgraded to the HTC Desire Android Froyo.
Make sure your Android device in a state of full battery. this is because in the process of upgrading / updating sometimes take a long time.
Check the latest updates: Users can check in advance what updates have been prepared by HTC. To do that just go to Settings, then About Phone and then refer to Sotfware System Updates. Wait a moment, the phone will check for the latest updates.
Backup file: Remember the most important thing when you want to upgrade android to a newer version. The entire installation files, contact lists and files that are in the internal memory backup should be made in advance. Because, by changing the operating system, the data will be lost / deleted. For a list of contacts for example, users can synchronize the Google account.
Prepare Adequate Space in SD Card: Before the latest update, you should provide enough storage space on an external memory used. Because, every file to be downloaded will first be stored on the SD card are available.
Ensure smooth internet connection: It is important untu this poroses. After checking out the latest update from HTC servers. Users will be prompted to download some files first before switching to Froyo. After the above steps are completed, the phone is ready to upgrade the operating system. Because of the size of the file to be downloaded is quite large up to 90MB, then a smooth connection mutak required. We recommend using a connection like Wi-Fi, so that the download process is not interrupted.
Once the download is complete the whole process, so now my friend can enjoy apps from Android Froyo.

If the buddy using other types of Android phones,, it generally means the Android upgrade can be done with the following steps (also for Samsung Galaxy Mini 2):

When the device is on, press the Home button
Available on the menu, select Settings >> About Phone >> System Updates
Buddy Android phones will automatically check the latest updates. If not then there will be a confirmation message "Up To Date". but if there is, it will be such a message will appear as shown below.
Tap Install / Download, and your phone will automatically download the files semuah update first and then do the Install Update Android OS automatically. (In the process restarted your phone will do first).
Once to note that not all Android smartphone devices can be upgraded to a newer version.

That way android upgrade to a newer version, congratulations to upgrade android. May be useful.

How to Speed ​​up Internet Connection Android Phone - Tips about gadgets we will review eBlog way back in this latest, and the gadget is the Android operating system android.Ponsel, both the Samsung Galaxy S3 or Samsung Galaxy Young will certainly be more work optimally when supported with a fast internet connection.

When the internet connection on your Android phone slow, it will be very a headache because of Facebook applications, Twitter or Foursquare will be very slow to load, or you'll be waiting a long time just to download a game or application on Google Play Store. How to speed up internet on Android?
Tips First, of course, choose the operator that existing 3G network in your area. With a 3G connection, the internet connection on Android phones will be faster than if you just use a carrier that is still EDGE! Apparently if you are in an area that has 3G operator, the next step choose the most stable carrier signal, so it will not go up and down the internet connection on your Android will fast and stable.
Secondly, when you are in range of Wifi, whenever possible redeeming Wifi connection than 3G or EDGE. If your home is used in connection Speedy Laptop, why you do not buy a Wifi transmitter, so that later on Android phones can share the internet connection from the Speedy.
Third, it does not hurt to install applications to speed up internet connection in Android. Applications such as Speed ​​Up Internet or Internet Booster for Android that will help you to further speed up internet connection.
Fourth, be diligent to mengclear cache in your browser either in Dolphin Browser or in the default browser of your Android phone. Also make sure that you always mengclose or shut down unused applications, especially applications online. Install AdFree application to prevent ads from appearing on the application. As we know, when you run a free app on Android, sometimes always appear ad. Well, here's an ad that could also slow down the internet connection on Android phones.
Lastly, if you are happy browsing and just simply read and read the latest news and the latest on the Internet, you should use a browser like Opera Mini, which this program could further accelerate the process of loading a web page, because of the compression system.

I hope the article How to Speed ​​up Internet Connection This Android phone. :)

Easy Ways to Overcome Virus Malware On Android And Here Is How to Easily Overcome Malware Virus Protection On Android, among others:

1. Seek advice from the Android application to a variety of sources that can be trusted

If you've never heard of or even seen an application that offered to install then better ask the experts, this is not a wise move?. When you recommend to do the reference on the application you are going to help Uncle Google. Well after staying met you read and understand first, the name of the developer company, brand and reputation in the field of android applications. look carefully.

2. Make sure you do not carelessly download or download an application

The more apps you download, the greater the Android malware can poison you. Do not be easily tempted to install a lot of apps, although Android you are able to save it. Discard the notion that if you do not fit in an application that you install it you can easily remove it, is dangerous. A good idea to first read the description of such applications, this is not a wise move?. Malware can be avoided if you want to take a little time to read the description of an application.
In the Android Market provides a lot of applications that you can download easily, either free or paid. Well, be careful in choosing to download an application.

3. Use the comment section wisely in the Android Market

Each app in the Android market definitely has a review and commentary, lacaklah quality of the application you are going to see the existing comments. Remember this comment section you can make a great tool skrening, and koment was wisely. If there are negative comments, such as the application does not work once installed, the malware may be a disease that is ready for your Android. so consider these small things before you actually download or download an Android app. survived download.

I hope this post helped you. :)

This time I will share how to make Android phone in Wifi Hotspot.
without these measures over time langkahya:

1. Enter into Setting

2. Then select Wireless and Networks

3. Click on a cellular network

4. Click the use of data packet

5. Once the above steps are finished, the next step is to click tethering and portable hotspot
on setting

6. Enable Wifi Hotspot portable, Portable Hotspot settings and click to set

7. Wifi rename the name you want

8. to select the security that open

9. after completion of all click save

Now you can use your Android phone as a modem.
congratulations tries and hopefully useful for those who read and try. :)

Sunday, June 16, 2013

If we have a smartphone or tablet android Highly course we want our Android device to be directly connected to the Internet. This can be done if we are equipped Android device card slot that both GSM and CDMA at the same time the problem comes modem.Nah gmana if Device Android (Tablet) is not equipped SIM.Menggunakan card slot wifi? For the every day working in the area of ​​free wifi anyway nice .. klo baseball????? Questions arise ......? (So follow one of the contestants Standup Comedy ago)
One other way is to use USB Modem.

USB Modem detected so android

I will share how to have a USB modem that you have to work on android tablet PC.

In general, the modem is already marketed as plug and play on your PC to attach the USB modem as there are 3 devices are: Modem, Virtual CD Rom and Card Reader.

In this course has no problem when you plug the modem in your PC, due to the 3 function device will run automatically installs the software and modem drivers in your PC automatically.

While the android-based tablet PC that will not work like on PC, because In the Android-based tablet PC will only read only the modem function to connect to the internet.

Below I will give totorial how to eliminate functionality Virtual drive and card reader, so the only modem that can only be read by Android Tablet PC, so you can surf using the Android tablet PC is not equipped with an internal modem.

You memrlukan PC modem to change the default configuration so that you have to work on a Tablet PC-based Android OS.

1. Your modem plugs on a PC, make sure the modem is detected by your computer, check out the My Computer will be an additional drive.
2. Once detected you try to connect to the internet, so it can connect perfectly.
3. Disconnect your internet, turn off all programs associated with the connection.
4. Run Hyper Terminal program, you can find this program at: Start> Programs> Accessories> Communications> Hyper Terminal.
5. In the "Connection Deescription" typed brand of modem you have eg "Huawei" (which I use here of the Huawei brand modem), and then wait at the bar at the bottom to get out the words "connect"
6. On the menu bar in the "Connection Description" select "connect using" select the modem is detected eg "HUAWEI Mobile Connect - 3G Modem" and click OK
7. And will be setting out the connection with no dial and ask for input other parameters, you can cancel the process.
8. Kenmudian on the program toolbar, follow these steps: "Properties" à à properties window will open on the modem "select the tab" Settings à Click "ASCIISetup" à cecklist "Show input characters on the screen." then click OK. Close the program settings and then click "OK" when the program was closed on the main Hyper Terminal program you will get a blinking cursor
9. Turn CapsLocks there on keyboardm then typing commands, then enter, you will menrima said OK on the program, it indicates there is already able to change the default configuration of your modem.
10. Type the following command to change the configuration of your modem with the command:
AT ^ U2DIAG = 0 (device-only modem)
AT ^ U2DIAG = 1 (the device as a modem + CD-ROM)
AT ^ U2DIAG = 255 (the device as a modem + CD-ROM + Card Reader)
AT ^ U2DIAG = 256 (the device as a modem + Card Reader).
For modem settings on an Android tablet, USB modem you simply function as a modem command: AT ^ U2DIAG = 0, and then press ENTER, and you will see the status OK. à Close Hyper Terminal by selecting the "Yes"
To restore the function of the above you can start over from the beginning cara2.
Taken from one friend's blog. may be useful .....

One more very cool program for Android in terms of controlling the computer aside from a few programs that I have mentioned in this lalu.Program postingn my best because I think its a lot, license free, and easy to use.
The program's name is GPP Remote Control.
Things are the same kind of program he's Remote requires:
1. GPP Remote Control Server is installed on the computer and,
2. GPP Remote Control Client is installed on all Android devices wireholic.
First we first download and install the software on a computer in this post I wrote kita.Waktu latest update is version 3.4.1 Run installan results, then the new window enter the name and password as you like and then register new account (do not pay kok or free). Set connection settings via 3g or wifi.Kemudian the note at the bottom left corner of the window along with the green circle The server start succesfully.
The second after we downloaded it anyway you get the program to Androidnya.Bisa in Google Play Store or anywhere else is up anda.Install file *. Apk jalankan.Masukkan his last with the same username and password on the server computer tadi.Kemudian The computer type the IP address manually you can see in the Connection Status in systray Company.

Once you can feel enjoy.Karena Connect menu options much like:
a. Computer Display on-screen display Android
b. Issued Task Manager
c. Computer control via Android like a mouse and an external keyboard ha ha ha
d. and others deh anyway

Okay so first if there are questions please comment on the posts ini.Terimakasih .....

Is iDisplay? .....

iDisplay is a program that enables its user to break or split display on a computer with a display on the display device is displaynya lainnya.Gunanya is getting wider and freer ....... This program supports devices such as iPhone, iPad, Android (both SmartPhone or tablet). others can see for yourself at the official website.

I will explain the Dsini for Android only ..... This program has two types:
1. Server; installed in the computer (Windows and Mac only)

2. Client: installed in Android
All of the file can be found on

Once you install it on both of them (in this case I am using Windows XP and Android Froyo) you just specify the type of connection can use Bluetooth or wifi .....

Once it can explore its own way .. if anyone could question comments on this post ...
Thank you.

For those of you who just bought an Android phone, here we present to you 10 essential guidelines that you need to know, so as not to confuse and impress 'bruiser Android':

1. Put your Gmail account or a new list if it has not got.

2. Connect to the internet. When you are prompted to log into your Gmail account, the phone will automatically prompt you to connect to the internet either through packet data service or Wi-Fi.

3. Take steps to save the internet subscription fee, so as not to shock your pulse suddenly exhausted. Please go to settings> usage of data and then scroll down to see the data consumption of each application running on the phone.

4. Perform backup and restore the data settings by going to settings-> Backup & Reset and tick the box Back up My Data and Automatic Restore

5. Protect your cell phone from the hands of ignorant by setting a screen lock. Please go to settings-> security-> screen lock. You can choose to lock screen with password, face unlock, pattern and so on depending on the version of the OS used. It is advisable to choose a PIN or password as the most secure way of content so that your phone can not be seen by anyone.

6. Do import contact your Facebook friends. Please download from the Play Store Facebook account and then login as usual and follow the steps that are required to synchronize contact data. You can also enable the phone to sync Facebook contacts through the menu settings-> Accounts & Sync-> Facebook and check mark "Contact Sync"

7. Enable 'Location serrvices'. This allows you to turn on or turn off the phone's GPS. Please go to Settings-> Location Services and tick all the boxes available.

8. Enable call functions that are important such as 'call waiting', 'call barring', 'call forwarding', 'voice mail' and so on.

9. Set cell phone ring tone by going to Music and play the songs you like. Then press menu and select 'set as ringtone'

10. Customize your keyboard settings. The existence of the auto correct feature on mobile phones have indeed helped the users in correcting errors when typing a message or email. However, often the feature which raises its own hassles especially when used to type a message in Indonesian. For that you can turn off the feature by going to settings-> Language and Input and select phone keypad used. Furthermore uncheck the box next to the setting to disable keypad.


source :

Android operating system continues to grow rapidly, after the era of Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) starts to fade, the market is now enlivened by a subsequent version, namely the Android 4.0 ICS (Ice Cream Sandwich) and 4.1 (Jelly Bean). In addition to the user interface that is more slick and attractive, Android 4.0 is now widely used for smartphones and tablets also brings new features for data transfer solution, namely WiFi Direct. WiFi Direct role can be described as Bluetooth, but in a more sophisticated solution.

Through WiFi Direct you can various files, images, music, even to bermaain online games together. Unlike Bluetooth, WiFi Direct has been equipped with a system of encryption and better transfer speeds. Another plus more, you not only can send files peer to peer mode, it can send to the inter-group mode. WiFi is also to reach further than Bluetooth. In comparison Bluetooth has Jangakauan 10 meters, whereas WiFi can be up to 100 meters.

You can find WiFi Direct through the menu settings> wireless and network> then check (enable) the WiFi Direct. So after WiFi Direct is active, the system will start memidai whichever gadget is on its WiFi feature. Need to be known, while WiFi Direct is enabled, then the WiFi hotspot network connection can not be used in conjunction, the article Direcet WiFi canals will be used for peer to peer connections. For more details, refer to the following explanation in the mode of sending files via WiFi Direct. (Haryo Adjie Nogo Seno)

1. Through the settings menu.

2. Go to Wireless and Networks> more.

3. Enable WiFi Direct, you will be directed to peer-to-peer data communication. Role of WiFi hotspots will be non-active.

4. When you have successfully scanned your partner to do the WiFi Direct, then tap to sync.

5. You can send various files with a faster connection, even WiFi Direct has been developed to create the group.


As an open platform, Android gives the opportunity to users to explore the software. Of course the risk borne. These tips can be a capital for those who are challenged to mengoprek Android.

Android users would often hear the term Rooting, maybe even some of them include you already run this process on the favorite. But if rooting it? Rooting is a process that allows users of smartphones, tablets, and other devices running the Android mobile operating system to eliminate the limitations (known as "root access") within Android subsystem.

Rooting the aim of overcoming the limitations of air carriers and hardware vendors on the device, so the ability to alter or replace system applications and settings, run specialized applications that previously could not run, or do not otherwise accessible to regular Android user. On Android, rooting can also facilitate the complete removal and replacement of the operating system, usually with more recent releases of the operating system at this time.

Honestly Android rooting quite risky. Your device may fail during the process, making it nothing more than a piece of useless stuff. Some vendors also remove the warranty on the device is already in the root. However, in our view, if successful through it, the results obtained greater.

Well, before you start the root an Android device is a good idea to listen to some of the terms that can help you.

Understanding the ROM and Builds
ROM is basically a customized version of Android. They dikembangkaan by brilliant individuals. This ROM that offers optimization of Android and provide more access to the device, something that can not be offered the standard version. In ROM, you have what is known as Build (branch base Android code) which offers certain features and characteristics.

More trivial, as the metaphor we use Microsoft Windows. There are XP, Vista, and Windows 7. All three are from Microsoft Windows operating system and usually can run the same program, but there is a big difference between them. In any OS, there are further differences between Vista Home, Vista Pro, and Vista Ultimate. Similarly, one can spawn multiple ROM versions. For example, there are several types of Drake's Hero ROM.

Every developer creates a ROM with its own purpose and different features. Some of the features are able to work on Cyanogen ROM does not mean it can work in ROM Drake.

Some ROM requires us to remove all information stored on the phone before or after installation. This is done when you enter recover mode. Every time you flash (load / install) ROM, required to restore factory settings. Two very popular custom ROM is CyanogenMod and MIUI.

Before you can root your device, you have to unlock the bootloader. Bootloader is a line of code that is executed even before the operating system boot Android. Bootloader code is different for each vendor and model of Android devices. Bootloader always 'locked' because the vendor does not want to play around with the software they create. Unlock bootloader allows you to play around with the phone's firmware, or even replace it with a custom firmware (aka ROMs). It is important to note that by unlocking your bootloader will erase all data stored on the phone.

Once the bootloader is unlocked and you have root your device, you will need a custom recovery. Recovery is a piece of software called separately from the actual Android operating system. The goal is to make changes to the Android OS at the core level, such as deleting user data, apply updates and much more. Recovery default Android has limited capacity, so if you plan to modify / hack / rooting your phone, you will need to install a "custom recovery", such as Clockwork Mod Recovery software. A custom recovery will allow you to make backups, restore them, delete partition, install custom software and much more.

Backup / Nandroid
Once your custom recovery installed, you will want to make a backup software (also known as Nandroid). Nandroid is a complete and total backup of your phone. It will store all your data, apps, settings, SMS messages, and more, basically allowing you to restore your phone to it in the right conditions when you are backing up.

After making a backup, you should not be afraid to make changes to your phone or loss of data, because you can always return it. Now you can "erase" the data your phone without worrying. Wipe to delete all device data to factory settings. You can also delete partitions from your phone such as cache partitioning. Always advisable to wipe your phone before installing a custom ROM.

Flashing is the process to install some kind of software or custom code through your recovery.

Flashable ZIP
Is a flashable ZIP file that you install the actual or "flash" through the custom recovery to make changes on your phone software. This is normal. Zip file that contains a line of code to modify your software. This flashable ZIP can be used to flash the ROM, Kernel, Radio, mod, and many more, which we will define below.

Unlike ROM, kernel does not change the look and feel of your mobile phone, but it is a line of code that lies beneath the surface. Connect the software with the hardware. A kernel add code to create all sorts of new options and capabilities. Custom kernel allows adding code to make phone processor running at a higher speed, or make less battery power draw mode when the phone is in "standby". Kernel is the soul of the software.

Radio / Basebands / Modem
Radio / baseband / modem is firmware that allows your phone to connect to the wireless network. The firmware controls the basic functions of your mobile phone such as mobile network connectivity, Wi-Fi, and GPS. Often the radio or modem update will help with issues regarding signal strength, battery and more.

Mod is a modification was made to the phone's software. This can include adding functionality or change the visual layout of your phone, such as the location of the clock to move the center of the notification bar, or turning color in the SMS app. Mods usually a flashable zip file.

Brick is when your phone will not be recovered from the process of rooting / flashing failed. Your device becomes unresponsive and can not be restored. Bricking usually happens when you do not follow instructions carefully or if the device does not allow for root. Bricking is very rare if you follow the steps perfectly.

Superuser (SU)
If you follow the instructions correctly and successfully in the root, you will be the superuser (SU), which means you become aakses totasl on the device.

Kang is a ROM or mod that uses most of the code created by other developers with little change.

Overclock / underclock
This means that you have to install a custom kernel that has allowed you to speed up or slow down the processor speed of your phone. Most phones work on a particular processor speed (ie: 2.4 MHz), but if you overclock, you can push the processor to work at higher speeds. Overclocking will make your phone appear more quickly, but it often comes at the expense of battery life. Do the opposite of overclocking underclocking. It makes your processor perform at a lower speed, slow the perceived performance, but help improve battery life.

Undervolt (UV)
Undervolting is a feature that is enabled in certain custom kernel. Undervolting reduce the amount of processor power you need to perform at a normal level, in theory, save battery. This feature is known to cause problems in the device.

An APK is the file name for an Android app that can be installed on your phone. All applications that are downloaded from Google Play comes as APK file. APK can also be "transferred" by downloading them from the outside of Google Play and put the phone internal or external memory. To install APK transfer you have to activate the option in the settings, and then find the APK file on your phone and press to start the installation process.

(Deni Taufik Adi)

As we preach last week, BlackBerry announced it will bring BlackBerry Messenger to Android and iOS. At this time our latest report, it turns out that instant messaging service has its limitations. Reported MOBILE Online from TrustedReviews (16/5), the BlackBerry Messenger will not be available for the iPad or Android tablet at its launch later. Vivek Bhardwaj as head of BlackBerry software portfolio told the site that the BlackBerry Messenger will be limited to the iPhone that is running iOS 6 or higher and Android smartphones.

"Smartphones are our real focus," said Bhardwaj. "If you look at the BBM service and how it is connected with the activity of a person, it is because he is mobile, since users often traveling."

BlackBerry's executive officers did not deny the possibility of BlackBerry Messenger will support the tablet in the future, but Bhardwaj said it would take longer.

"When you first look at tablets, computers, and other large screen, changing usage models and user behavior is changing," he explained. "(What is important) Our current focus is to provide BlackBerry Messenger to another smartphone."

Bhardwaj even hinted BlackBerry Messenger will be present to several different devices such as Smart TVs and computers. "I think, when you see something like Smart TV and desktop, it is an area that needs to be explored," he said.

For users of Android smartphones and the iPhone, the service will be available to BlackBerry Messenger this summer. (Nis)

Sources: (16/05/2013)

Monday, June 10, 2013

1. first download apktool and notepad

2. take the framework-res.apk in mm via root explorer (rootex) in folder system-framework

3. apktool extract and place it in one folder for easy future (eg in the folder d / apktool)

4. enter into framework-res.apk folder d / apktool

5. in the apktool folder on the keyboard do not press shift and press off the right click select open command here

6. type in framework-res.apk apktool enter
and will appear framework-res folder

7. minimize cmd (the last item screen)

8 Open the framework-res folder \ r
es \ values ​​\ bools.xml Open
with notepad find this text:
"<boolname="config_animateScreenLights"> true </ bool>" text change true to false
so the result is like this "<boolname="config_animateScreenLights"> false </ bool>" then
press save and exit

9. Open CMD that was in
then we will minimize
decompile process
apknya type apktool b framework-res wait until the end. When it is finished later
there are two new folder in the framework-res folder \ "dist" and "build"

10. move framework-res.apk folder to another folder eg frames and extract framework-res.apk in the folder using winrar trsebut

11. Open foder d / apktool / framework-res
\ build \ apk \ (copy) resources.arsc

12. open the folder and then paste resources.arsc frame if there are warning tap on aja yes (copy and replace)

13. pack the contents folder with winrar last frame with framework

14. so rename framework-res.apk framework-and enter into the folder system / framework with permision rw-r - r -

just as it is bentuk'y
v v -
v -
v -

then reboot ...

The main key to boosting performance lies in the magnitude MicroSD
allocation of cache for read-write purposes. Most ROMs that have been
modified settings allocate no more than 128 Kb.
Some stock ROM even less than 64 Kb. To find out
how big the default settings for read-write cache can
traced through the Root Explorer app.

Open Root Explorer app, then go to the folder
/ Sys/device/virtual/bdi/179: 0/read_ahead_kb

Just open the file with a text viewer read_ahead_kb. Later will come the numbers
write-speed cache to microSD. ROM that I had just written
128 Kb. No wonder almost no visible difference between
Class 4 and Class 10.

By using applications like tweaks or the SD Speed ​​Increase
like are not enough to help boost the performance (speed)
microSD. From sources that I know of, the application is not
slightest change settings on the main ROM, so basic
still use the basic performance of the ROM. If there is any discrepancy,
but the difference is relatively small. That's what I experienced.

From the XDA Developers forum (, finally found a bright spot also causes
microSD slow performance. The key to change the setting of ROM at
/ Sys/device/virtual/bdi/179: 0/read_ahead_kb, ie by replacing
numbers read-write cache. There are two ways, through a manual way to change
or edit files read_ahead_kb or can be done
flash. I prefer the second way. Simply by placing
flash file for setting the large number of read-write memory cache.

Of the source provides a number of options for settings such as flash memory cache on the link below.

Default 128 Kb
Default 1024 Kb
Default 2048 Kb
Default 3072 Kb
Default 4096 Kb

yes, you have to look for yourself and try to figure cache memory
suitable or appropriate for HH gadget. From my experience, numbers
best suited for HH is 2048 Kb. Getting past the numbers
is optimal, usually later it will decrease
its performance.

use, donlot zip file above, then move them to the memory
external or space on the microSD. Remember it, do not put
in the folder, but outside of the folder. Next, go into recovery
mode, then select the [Install Zip from SDCard]. Once completed,
then select [Reboot].

back through the Root Explorer app for file
/ Sys/device/virtual/bdi/179: 0/read_ahead_kb. Note, the numbers
listed will have to conform to the desired number, when
melakukkan flash. If previously in-flash with the number 2048, then
should be listed on read_ahead_kb is 2048.

Measure the speed of microSD with SD Tools applications. Find it at Play Store.
Remember, if you have previously installed microSD tweak applications,
should be disabled or uninstalled better. Reboot back
after uninstall the application, before doing
measurement via SD Tools.

Did You Know?

Android you use can actually be read on the Play Station 2 ... But the main requirement you should have MC Boot, but before SD Cardnya formatted FAT32 when it's used to connect Android with Play Station 2 using data cable / usb.
Android will your function will be equal to or Notebook Flasdisk, if the capacity of your SD Card is not quite big enough at least 1 game inserted into it. And remember Pictures, Music, and Video (. Avi) can also be opened directly on the Play Station 2.

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