Sunday, June 16, 2013

Is iDisplay? .....

iDisplay is a program that enables its user to break or split display on a computer with a display on the display device is displaynya lainnya.Gunanya is getting wider and freer ....... This program supports devices such as iPhone, iPad, Android (both SmartPhone or tablet). others can see for yourself at the official website.

I will explain the Dsini for Android only ..... This program has two types:
1. Server; installed in the computer (Windows and Mac only)

2. Client: installed in Android
All of the file can be found on

Once you install it on both of them (in this case I am using Windows XP and Android Froyo) you just specify the type of connection can use Bluetooth or wifi .....

Once it can explore its own way .. if anyone could question comments on this post ...
Thank you.


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