Sunday, June 30, 2013

Malware can attack any kind of devices including smartphones Adroid yours, unfortunately Malware attacks are rare in the Android t know when that is in the Android Malware is very dangerous because it can steal confidential data to use your Internet quota.

Well here are some signs that indicate if you belong android Smartphone Malware exposed. Want to know aoa wrote it see below.

1. Battery life decreases

If suddenly decreased battery life without you because then you have to mecurigainya could have already entered your android smartphone malware which drain your battery power to operate.

2. Dropped calls and nuisance calls

Malware can eavesdrop on conversations made ​​with Android devices. When this is the case, can appear side effects such as nuisance calls or dropped call.

3. Bloated phone bills

If you phone tagian suddenly become much enlarged and do not make use of your phone for things that used to be spending a lot of money this is the act of malware that attempt to steal your credit.

4. Data consumption rose suddenly

This one can also be caused by malware, similar to the above peculiarities phone bill. Upload or download pattern changes could be a sign that someone or something is utilizing the Internet connection on an Android device.

5. Performance decreases

Usually the infected android malwar performance would decline it because the malware was continually running so that deplete the ram memory and consuming high processor load.

Well that's a sign if you are infected with malware android phones.

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