Monday, June 10, 2013

1. first download apktool and notepad

2. take the framework-res.apk in mm via root explorer (rootex) in folder system-framework

3. apktool extract and place it in one folder for easy future (eg in the folder d / apktool)

4. enter into framework-res.apk folder d / apktool

5. in the apktool folder on the keyboard do not press shift and press off the right click select open command here

6. type in framework-res.apk apktool enter
and will appear framework-res folder

7. minimize cmd (the last item screen)

8 Open the framework-res folder \ r
es \ values ​​\ bools.xml Open
with notepad find this text:
"<boolname="config_animateScreenLights"> true </ bool>" text change true to false
so the result is like this "<boolname="config_animateScreenLights"> false </ bool>" then
press save and exit

9. Open CMD that was in
then we will minimize
decompile process
apknya type apktool b framework-res wait until the end. When it is finished later
there are two new folder in the framework-res folder \ "dist" and "build"

10. move framework-res.apk folder to another folder eg frames and extract framework-res.apk in the folder using winrar trsebut

11. Open foder d / apktool / framework-res
\ build \ apk \ (copy) resources.arsc

12. open the folder and then paste resources.arsc frame if there are warning tap on aja yes (copy and replace)

13. pack the contents folder with winrar last frame with framework

14. so rename framework-res.apk framework-and enter into the folder system / framework with permision rw-r - r -

just as it is bentuk'y
v v -
v -
v -

then reboot ...


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