According to Wikipedia GPS is a Global Positioning System is a space-based satellite navigation system that provides location and time information in all weather, anywhere on or near the Earth, where there is an unobstructed line of sight to four or more GPS satellites.atau if translated Java Language to Global Positioning System (GPS) is a space-based satellite navigation system that provides location and time information in all weather, anywhere on or near the Earth, where there is an unobstructed line of sight to four or more GPS satellites. Still do not understand ta .....? Gini wrote wis GPS is a system that allows to know where our location via satellite. Still do not understand well ...? Aja read on .....
SmartPhone latest release is usually already equipped with the GPS feature. Now GPS is usually used as a signpost to look for a place, for example if we want to go somewhere outside the city that we do not recognize the streets. There buanyak this GPS-based app which is divided into two:
1. Online (internet needed)
Appropriate category then this app requires internet connection in order to run properly. The advantage is small installasinya file does not take up much space so our memory ... cuman 5Mb doang average. The disadvantage is that we have to spend money for the internet connection. application examples are: Google maps, Google Earth, Yahoo Maps, GPS and other Essential another.
2. Offline
Fit the criteria then this application do not need to connect internet.contoh applications are: Ndrive, Papago, Navitel, Sygic and so on.
I have suggested here is Navitel for Android.Kenapa Navitel because its many programs, the map is more complete and better accuracy rate than other programs I've installed on my phone ... he he he.
First we need to download the following file:
1. Installation file Navitel.apk approximately 25 Mb
2. Indonesia map latest version approximately 50 Mb
3. Voice Indonesian approximately 1Mb
after all we can in our download menggunakannya.Install navitel.apk then extract it to a folder maps Navitel content / maps then extract the voice files to Navitel content / voice.selesai deh.
It is less obvious things that can be asked via comment.Okay .....
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
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